Honouring The Season of Winter and Keeping You Warm. June 22 sees us down under celebrate the Winter Solstice. In a nutshell, Winter is officially here, and we are sure feeling her presence in country NSW. I love the idea of honouring our seasons.
For 12 years I lived in QLD, we had Spring, Summer Storm Season and "Don’t wear your hair out ever humidity season". I missed our seasons that I grew up with down south. Back living in NSW now I adore watching the seasons come and go especially in the garden. The last fall of the Autumn leaves is on the ground, the jonquils sprouting up and the wattle is budding, the frost is on the ground, and the enveloping fog surrounds the valleys. Its Winter. And its bloody cold….. But I am ready to celebrate the dark winter ahead.
The celebration of the Solstice is thousands of years old and practiced throughout many cultures through festivals, fires and food. In Australia we have our own Dark Mofo Festival in Tasmania with a festival highlight being the naked swim on the morning of the Solstice. Sounds crazy I know, but thousands of people venture in and one day it will be me. (Its high on my bucket list).

This year I will light my outdoor fire. Eat a hearty meal, be amongst friends, and RUG UP!

Sophie in her very cool Ariat Beanie - Grampians and Co Forest Blanket to keep my back warm! Fire to Fork Recipe Book - Nachos oh my favorite!
+ All cooked and enjoyed on the Barebones 23" Grill and Fire Pit.
Winter - TICK!
Enjoy your Solstice x Denise